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Gold Blend Tea Bag

2,500 RWF

Rwanda Tea Bag Gold Blend 25pcs is a premium quality tea bag. It is made from the finest tea leaves, carefully selected and blended to create a unique flavor. The tea bag is easy to use and provides a rich, full-bodied flavor. It is perfect for those who want to enjoy a cup of tea without the hassle of loose tea leaves.

The tea bag is made from natural ingredients and is free from artificial colors and flavors. It is also free from preservatives and other additives. The tea bag is also gluten-free and suitable for vegans. It is a great choice for those who want to enjoy a cup of tea without compromising on quality.

Rwanda Tea Bag Gold Blend 25pcs is a great choice for those who want to enjoy a cup of tea without compromising on quality. It is easy to use and provides a rich, full-bodied flavor. Enjoy a cup of tea with this premium quality tea bag.