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Flourish Your Business And Side Hustle With Murukali

Flourish Your Business And Side Hustle With Murukali

Have you ever tried to follow your passion or dreams but become so challenged because of your family responsibilities or current job demands? 

Sometimes following our passions isn’t an option especially when we have family and job responsibilities to fulfill. Some of us let those beautiful dreams vanish, but a few hold onto those dreams and they alter them into side hustles. Bisengimana Jeanne Francoise is bold, ambitious, and a superwoman who did what most of us perceive as impossible. She is a happy married woman with two beautiful daughters. Besides the household responsibilities, Jeanne Francoise works at Nyarugenge district hospital as a nurse, and she makes beautiful women’s bonnets as a side hustle. 


How do you manage all duties and get time for making women’s bonnets?

“Honestly, it is not easy. But I always say that whenever you are doing something you love, all difficulties, strains, and tensions fade away. When you know that people love what you do and that you are having an impact in their lives, it becomes easier and enjoyable to do things that normally seem impossible." 

How do you do women’s bonnet? 

As I said, I sell mostly women's bonnets. To do so, it requires me to manage my time effectively. I usually make women’s bonnets in my free time or days off work. I buy clothes commonly called kitenge and Satin through which I make my bonnets. After Obtaining all materials, I committedly find time for designing, cutting, sewing, and naming finished bonnets. This is where other great work starts. Producing women’s bonnets is one task, but selling is another project. Murukali came as a magic bullet to my worries. In fact, before starting to work with Murukali, it required me to post what I do on my social media platforms, or tell my friends to post my products on their social media channels as a marketing strategy. This strategy was not effective because I could only reach family members and friends. I really wanted to reach more people, but the challenges was the cost of advertisements. In addition, I couldn't see any other way to use because I couldn't afford having a website for my products. I wanted someone who can understand my challenges and support me to reach my customers. 

How do you work with Murukali? Is there any benefits?

Eventually, I came to know Murukali by the time I met a friend who works at Murukali and encouraged me to work with them. They explained what they do how they work with local sellers and producers, benefits, and the duties of each party. They trained me how to use the platform for listing and selling my bonnets, and it was an amazing journey I was going to start. Beneficially, Murukali contributed much in increasing the awareness of my products using their platform and social media channels. The advantage of working or selling online specifically on Murukali is that first of all, they do marketing for you and make it easy for your customers to purchase from you. You don’t need to move an inch from your place looking for customers. Murukali will do that for you. They are trusted business partners for your business or side hustle. 

What advice do you have for other women with the same passion?

My advice for other women is that on top of what they do, they can do other things that can help them to improve their lifestyle and develop their families and country. I would like to let other women know that Murukali values our efforts and determination for improving the wellbeing of our community and they are always ready to start working with anyone who has that spirit of following own passion. I advise not only women but each and everyone with a business to start working with Murukali. They provide a platform where you can list your products for customers to see what you do and start purchasing from you. To finish, I would like to take this opportunity to thank from the bottom of my heart Yvette Uwimpaye, the CEO of Murukali for her support to local sellers like me through providing this extraordinary Murukali platform to empower local producers and make selling very easier. And as the saying goes, God helps those who help themselves and practice makes perfect. Start working with Murukali now for helping your business to flourish. Your business needs to have a truthy and reliable partner. 


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