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Ajab Maize Flour-Akawunga/2kg
murukali.comAjab maize flour is a premium-grade product renowned for its superior quality and versatile uses in culinary applications. Milled from the finest m...
View full detailsAkanozo millet flour 1kg
Murukali.comAkanozo millet flour 1kg
Azam Cake Flour/2kg
Murukali.comAZAM Home Baking Flour
murukali.comAzania fine flour 2kg
Murukali.comAZANIA HBF 2KG
murukali.comAzania Fresh This is a medium protein flour which is used in the production of flat and pocket breads, chapatis and rotis, and mandazi.
Bino Composite Flour/Ifu Y'Imvange
Murukali.comButterfly-Gram Flour 1kg
murukali.comButterfly- Premium Quality Gram Flour for a Healthier you. The premium product quality of Butterfly gram Flour is ensured by selecting only the be...
View full detailsCassava Flour -ifu y'ubugari /kg
murukali.comCassava Flour /ifu y'ubugari- imyumbati
Corn FLour Paradise /400g
murukali.comCorn FLour Paradise /400g
Dry cassava Leaves/Isombe-Akeza 200g
murukali.comIsombe-Akeza Dry Cassava leaves
Home Baking Flour-Ngano/2kg
murukali.comThis can be used for a wide range of baking needs, such as making bread, cakes, cookies, and other baked goods,it comes in a 2-kilogram package siz...
View full detailsHome Baking Flour-Ngano/2kg
murukali.comHigh Quality Flour,Best For Chapats,Mandazis,Mahamris and much more.
Ifu y'imvange-Igikoma /kg
murukali.comIfu y'imvange-Igikoma ikoranye isuku -kg Mixed Porridge Flour per kg
Jibu Family Porridge 1kg
murukali.comComposite Flour
Kawunga -gashumba /kg
murukali.comFine White Maize Flour/kg ifu y'ibigori
Kawunga Mahwi /5kg
murukali.comKawunga Mahwi /5kg Corn flour /5kg akawunga
Kawunga Songa /5kg
murukali.comKawunga Songa -Sosoma
Kawunga,Gashumba /25kg
murukali.comKawunga,Gashumba /25kg Gashumba maize flour
Kinazi Cassava Flour 1kg
murukali.comKinazi Cassava Flour 1kg
Kinazi Cassava Flour 2kg
murukali.rwKinazi Cassava Flour Ifu ya y'imyumbati ya Kinazi PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Kinazi Cassava flour is fine cassava flour processed from fresh cassava tu...
View full detailsKweli
murukali.comIfu ya Poireau 160g
Lotus Home Baking Flour /2kg
murukali.comLotus Home Baking Flour is a brand of flour that is specifically formulated for home baking purpose,Lotus Home Baking Flour are often versatile and...
View full detailsMAGANJO MAIZE FLOUR 5KG
murukali.comThis flour is naturally rich in dietary fibre, high in carbohydrates, vitamin B, ...