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Fresh Vegetables
Fresh vegetable category gives you an access to various fresh vegetables from both local markets and supermarkets directly to your doorsteps, ensuring you receive the finest options for your meals. Our vegetables are perfect for salads, stir-fries, and more, bringing vibrant taste and health benefits to your table.
Beets - Beterave
murukali.rwBeets / Beetroot -Bunch Beterave umufungo
Broccoli /Pc
Cabbage - Ishu /Pc
murukali.rwCabbage ishu
Carrot /Kg
murukali.rwKaroti Carot / Carotte /carot/ carrots/carots
Cassava leaves(Isombe) /kg
murukali.rwIsombe irimo ibirungo Cassava leaves
Cauliflower / Pc
murukali.rwCauliflower choux-fleur Cauliflower / Pc
Celery - sereri
murukali.rwCelery /bunch Sereri umufungo
Cucumber /Pc
murukali.rwCucumber Cocombure cocombre
Dodo /bunch
murukali.rwDodo Amaranth Green Lengalenga umufungo
Egg plant(Intoryi)
murukali.rwEgg plant Intoryi Egg plant(Intoryi)
Eggplant /Pc
murukali.rwIkibiringanya Eggplant ibibiringanya
Epinard /bunch
murukali.rwEpinari / Epinard
Garlic-Peeled /250g
murukali.rwTungurusumu zitonoye irobo Peeled Galric
Garlic-unpeeled /bunch
murukali.rwGarlic Tungurusumu umufungo Garlic-unpeeled /bunch
Green beans
murukali.rwGreen beans Imiteja french beans
Green pepper /kg
murukali.rwPuwavuro z'icyatsi Green pepper Green pepper /kg
Green pepper /pc
murukali.rwPuwavuro z'icyatsi Green pepper Green pepper /pc
Mint /bunch
murukali.rwMint manti
Onion Leek /bunch
murukali.rwOnion leek puwalo poireau oignon
Peas - Amashaza
murukali.rwAmashaza Peas per Kg PETITS POIS
Pili Pili /500g
murukali.rwPili Pili urusenda
Radi /bunch
murukali.rwRadi Radi /bunch
Red Cabbage /Pc
murukali.rwRed Cabbage Choux rouge