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Ifu y'Isambaza (Powdered) 250g

5,000 RWF
Powdered small fish dried products are made by grinding dried small fish into a fine powder. The powder retains the concentrated flavors and nutritional benefits of the fish while offering convenience and versatility in culinary applications. The resulting powder can vary in texture, ranging from fine to slightly coarse. They add a rich umami taste to dishes, similar to other fish-based seasonings like fish sauce or shrimp paste. The powder can be sprinkled directly onto food during cooking or used as an ingredient in marinades, rubs, and sauces. It is particularly popular in Asian cuisine, where it is used to enhance the savory flavors of broths, stir-fries, fried rice, and noodle dishes.The powdered small fish dried products are also valued for their nutritional profile. They are a good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Additionally, they are often used as a natural alternative to artificial flavor enhancers, making them a healthier option for adding depth and complexity to dishes.Overall, powdered small fish dried products offer a convenient and flavorful way to incorporate the essence of dried small fish into various culinary creations, providing a unique taste and nutritional boost.